Tommy L.

I stumbled upon The Achievement Habit through Tina Seelig book. It was a wake-up call for me, especially the chapter "Reasons are Bullshit".

I was blaming almost everyone, including my family, for where I am right now. Until I read "Many reasons are simply excuses to hide the fact that we are not willing to give something a high enough priority in our life."

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Bruce B.

Dear Bernie,

Just part way into your book it started to have an effect on me. 

Your honesty and personal life examples helped me open a line of communication with my sister to discuss her husband's onset of Alzheimers in a meaningful way.

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Analee N.

Your book made a big difference in the monthly meeting of a senior group I belong to. Twelve of us meet in my home. Instead of the usual social chatter, I suggested we follow the "Your Turn" exercise where we talk about something personal. The result was amazing, it made for a feeling of connection we had never before achieved. Everyone got excited about your book, and I plan to use it in subsequent meetings"

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Emi K.

“The Achievement Habit” is the rare book you experience — one that offers the permission to expect more of and extract more from yourself. It doesn’t do so in an accusatory way, just in an it’s-okay-you-can-do-this encouraging one. “This” is whatever it is you want to do. Whether it’s taking on a new exercise routine, getting better at memorizing people’s names or just cleaning the kitchen — the book takes you on a journey of stories and exercises to get to know the thing — the person, really — standing in your way.

[...] I have, in the cool embrace of dawn, discovered my passion all over again. Thanks to Bernie’s book, I have discovered how and why I stand in my own way. I was scared of judgment — mostly my own. I was also unaware that I had permission to take time for myself, that the morning, when my mind was most awake and available to me, was precious, and that there is, in fact, a book in me to be written.

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